- Chapter 2 -
“Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.” Albert Einstein
Dare i may ask what would it become of a child that was different from all three categories of the society it was born in? Such a child is born every 10 or 20 generations, with the ability to perform well in all three environments. With both gentri and lory capacities, with the native intelligence of understanding how things work together, weather it is about people or machines, such a child would not be received with open arms by the masses.
Accident or not, i was born in the 21’st cycle of the third moon, from a gentri mother and a lory father. To start with, i did not come form an ordinary family. Usually gentri did not take as husbands from the lory class. Further more, usually 80% of the gentri population is composed out of males, and 80% of the lory composed out of females. Mother always told me i was special, and both my parents encouraged me to think on my own and try out everything before i would decide what i wished to do. And so my story begins....
Social indoctrination classes began, and i tried to do my best, as the teachers asked. As i grew older, i looked around me, fascinated by social interactions between my colleges. And as time passed by, and i got closer and closer to having to go through my first rite of passage, and it became clear to me that i was different. My colleges sensed that i was different, and scared of what they were not thought to understand, started making my life miserable. So i had a choice to make: act and become a norm having a normal and peaceful life or taking the high road, by giving all i had, and seeing where it would take me. Living a life of acceptance and peace, but in doubt and regret, did not sound well at all.
I passed the rite of passage, but apparently if something is done too well, it creates problems. Three cycles after the results were made public, the princess of Calladan, Cammile of Syria. Her name included her own, Cammile and that of the symbiont she carried, Syria. Normally the princess would not leave the castle unless the issue was so critical it required her presence.
She had a light blue skin, the color of a child before the first rite of passage. Normally gentri were green, lory pink and the norms where orange. She looked at me, and started analyzing me, after finishing her skin began to emanate a fuzzy and warm radiance, and a crystal-like form appeared on the forehead. With a calm and high pitched voice, she started talking:
“My dear Tanita, you have put your self in great peril by the path you have chosen, but for this you have my full respect. Unfortunately there is not much time, soon others will realize that you are different, and will react driven by fear. You must undergo the second rite of passage right away. Cammile will take you.”
“I have chosen this path as it is the right one. I would not have been able to live a life of regret and doubt. Tell me what does this rite mean, and what will happen afterwards?”
“You will choose and be chosen by one of my kind. Of what happens afterwards we shall speak upon your return.” And with this words the fuzzy radiance disappeared, leaving Cammille to speak. “Come, time is an important factor!”.
Dare i may ask what would it become of a child that was different from all three categories of the society it was born in? Such a child is born every 10 or 20 generations, with the ability to perform well in all three environments. With both gentri and lory capacities, with the native intelligence of understanding how things work together, weather it is about people or machines, such a child would not be received with open arms by the masses.
Accident or not, i was born in the 21’st cycle of the third moon, from a gentri mother and a lory father. To start with, i did not come form an ordinary family. Usually gentri did not take as husbands from the lory class. Further more, usually 80% of the gentri population is composed out of males, and 80% of the lory composed out of females. Mother always told me i was special, and both my parents encouraged me to think on my own and try out everything before i would decide what i wished to do. And so my story begins....
Social indoctrination classes began, and i tried to do my best, as the teachers asked. As i grew older, i looked around me, fascinated by social interactions between my colleges. And as time passed by, and i got closer and closer to having to go through my first rite of passage, and it became clear to me that i was different. My colleges sensed that i was different, and scared of what they were not thought to understand, started making my life miserable. So i had a choice to make: act and become a norm having a normal and peaceful life or taking the high road, by giving all i had, and seeing where it would take me. Living a life of acceptance and peace, but in doubt and regret, did not sound well at all.
I passed the rite of passage, but apparently if something is done too well, it creates problems. Three cycles after the results were made public, the princess of Calladan, Cammile of Syria. Her name included her own, Cammile and that of the symbiont she carried, Syria. Normally the princess would not leave the castle unless the issue was so critical it required her presence.
She had a light blue skin, the color of a child before the first rite of passage. Normally gentri were green, lory pink and the norms where orange. She looked at me, and started analyzing me, after finishing her skin began to emanate a fuzzy and warm radiance, and a crystal-like form appeared on the forehead. With a calm and high pitched voice, she started talking:
“My dear Tanita, you have put your self in great peril by the path you have chosen, but for this you have my full respect. Unfortunately there is not much time, soon others will realize that you are different, and will react driven by fear. You must undergo the second rite of passage right away. Cammile will take you.”
“I have chosen this path as it is the right one. I would not have been able to live a life of regret and doubt. Tell me what does this rite mean, and what will happen afterwards?”
“You will choose and be chosen by one of my kind. Of what happens afterwards we shall speak upon your return.” And with this words the fuzzy radiance disappeared, leaving Cammille to speak. “Come, time is an important factor!”.