- Chapter 1 -
“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” Steve Jobs
Social interaction is a very interesting concept that tends to get really complicated if you take in account a society constructed based on genetic principles. This is the case of a small but full of life little planet called Calladan. Here the population, is primarily divided by genetics into 3 categories: norms, getri and lory. Let us take them one by one.
The term "lory" is derived from lords, thus indicating somehow their social status. The population that has lory genes, and thus is a lory, masters the art of negotiation. Further more the members of this category posses special capacities that come in their aid while negotiating, like telepathy, empathy, clairvoyance, and many more similar to this ones. The lory, due to their unique abilities and education are usually found in management positions due to their negotiating and leadership skills.
The term "gentri" comes from "gentile one", but rarely one is gentile in the line of duty we would encounter one. The gentry population is compoed from individuals with abilities like Bio-PK, telekenises, teleportation, generating electrical shields, etc. One could classify the gentri further more, by their primary ability, into elementals, moleculars and animalics. However despite the differences between them the main unifying characteristic is that when facing danger the first instinct of one is to protect the others and eliminate the threat. Thus the gentry are also called protectors, and usually work in the law enforcement branch or in medicine.
Now the norms. The law states that a norm is a person that did not qualify in either of the two categories by achieving a minimum score of 60% in the first rite of passage after completing the first period of life. About 70% of the total population is a norm. Being a norm does not imply a complete lack of special abilities. However it does imply that the norm does not manage to control it’s abilities and to use them. Norms are usually engineers, artists, researchers, having normal jobs, that do not imply having to take upon themselves the responsibility of looking after others.
Further more, to make things even more complicated, the planet is inhabited by two sentient races: the Calladians and the Cry’talinas. Now the Cry’tal are a parasitical race, meaning they require a host in order to make anything more than just lie there. However their presence aggravates the social discrepancy between the norms and the other two categories, due to the fact that a Cry’talian can only take on a host that has special lory or gentri genes. No matter, both the gentri and the lory must go thought a second ritual of passage, one in which they must choose and be chosen by a Cry’talian symbiont, that will expand their lives, enhancing their capacities, and sharing their knowledge with them. The cry’talian personality rarely surfaces, and only takes on control over the host it inhabits with his or her permission, and when that happens the signs are clear: a crystal-like form appears on the forehead, and the skin emanates a warm and fuzzy radiace. The voice becomes sharper with a higher tone, but never yelling, as they are always calm.
Social interaction is a very interesting concept that tends to get really complicated if you take in account a society constructed based on genetic principles. This is the case of a small but full of life little planet called Calladan. Here the population, is primarily divided by genetics into 3 categories: norms, getri and lory. Let us take them one by one.
The term "lory" is derived from lords, thus indicating somehow their social status. The population that has lory genes, and thus is a lory, masters the art of negotiation. Further more the members of this category posses special capacities that come in their aid while negotiating, like telepathy, empathy, clairvoyance, and many more similar to this ones. The lory, due to their unique abilities and education are usually found in management positions due to their negotiating and leadership skills.
The term "gentri" comes from "gentile one", but rarely one is gentile in the line of duty we would encounter one. The gentry population is compoed from individuals with abilities like Bio-PK, telekenises, teleportation, generating electrical shields, etc. One could classify the gentri further more, by their primary ability, into elementals, moleculars and animalics. However despite the differences between them the main unifying characteristic is that when facing danger the first instinct of one is to protect the others and eliminate the threat. Thus the gentry are also called protectors, and usually work in the law enforcement branch or in medicine.
Now the norms. The law states that a norm is a person that did not qualify in either of the two categories by achieving a minimum score of 60% in the first rite of passage after completing the first period of life. About 70% of the total population is a norm. Being a norm does not imply a complete lack of special abilities. However it does imply that the norm does not manage to control it’s abilities and to use them. Norms are usually engineers, artists, researchers, having normal jobs, that do not imply having to take upon themselves the responsibility of looking after others.
Further more, to make things even more complicated, the planet is inhabited by two sentient races: the Calladians and the Cry’talinas. Now the Cry’tal are a parasitical race, meaning they require a host in order to make anything more than just lie there. However their presence aggravates the social discrepancy between the norms and the other two categories, due to the fact that a Cry’talian can only take on a host that has special lory or gentri genes. No matter, both the gentri and the lory must go thought a second ritual of passage, one in which they must choose and be chosen by a Cry’talian symbiont, that will expand their lives, enhancing their capacities, and sharing their knowledge with them. The cry’talian personality rarely surfaces, and only takes on control over the host it inhabits with his or her permission, and when that happens the signs are clear: a crystal-like form appears on the forehead, and the skin emanates a warm and fuzzy radiace. The voice becomes sharper with a higher tone, but never yelling, as they are always calm.